7 Keys to Your Podcasting Success [infographic]

(click image to enlarge, then in new browser tab or window click again) 7 Keys to Your Podcasting Success: 1. P-ick a way to record. The iTalk app on the iPad works great. An inexpensive mic is okay, too. 2. O-rganize thoughts. Write a script and practice it (say it our loud). Uses pauses for […]

On the Love of God (3-part podcast series)

For Part 1: Death, Life, Angels, Rulers, click here. (1:11) For Part 2: Things Present, Things to Come, Powers, Height, click here. (1:22) For Part 3: Depth, Anything Else in All Creation, click here. (0:59) PART 1 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things […]