10 Mistakes People Make with Death and Dying (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Death and Dying (plus 1 bonus): 1. Believe death is the end and there is nothing more following. (Hebrews 9:27) 2. Never dare talk about it (it’s the most important subject above everything else). 3. Don’t prepare for death and dying (you […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Preacher’s Kids (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Preacher’s Kids (plus 1 bonus): 1. Expect them to become preachers themselves (go into the ministry) when they grow up. 2. Don’t realize the greater temptation on them to turn from God. 3. Place (too) high expectations on them that no human […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Patience (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Patience (plus 1 bonus): 1. Wonder why they are then put in situations requiring patience (“why is this happening to me?”) when they prayed to grow in it. (James 1:3) 2. Don’t realize the opposite of patience (the ability to wait) is […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Forgiveness (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Forgiveness (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think they don’t need forgiveness (like they have never sinned or there is no such thing as “sin”). (Romans 3:10, 23; 6:23; 10:9) 2. Forget they are to forgive others EVERY TIME they sin (are you holding […]

10 Mistakes People Make with God (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with God (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think He DOESN’T EXIST (atheism). 2. Think He DOES EXIST, but is uninvolved/uninterested (deism) in what is happening on the planet (He wound the universe up like a clock and left). 3. Think there are more ways […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Popes (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Popes (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think they are infallible/without error (they are not). (Isaiah 64:6) 2. Think what they say is infallible/without error (it is not ~ neither is what Protestant ministry leaders say). 3. Approve of Popes praying to Mary or […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Hell (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Hell (plus 1 bonus): 1. Don’t believe Hell exists. (Luke 16:23) 2. Think if they don’t talk about Hell, it will just go away (what you don’t know can’t hurt you?). 3. Don’t realize the Son of God talking about Hell confirms […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Life (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Life (plus 1 bonus): 1. Forget how short life really is. (Psalm 39:4-5) 2. Think they are descendants of apes, products of chance (embrace Darwin’s theory of evolution) when it’s God Himself who gave them life. (Genesis 2:7) 3. Waste their life […]

10 Mistakes People Make with the End of the World (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with the End of the World (plus 1 bonus): 1. Think it’s a long way off so they put off getting right with God/Jesus. (Luke 12:16-21) 2. Mock the end of the world’s potential. (2 Peter 3:3-4; Jude 1:18) 3. Don’t understand that […]

10 Mistakes People Make with Islam (plus 1 bonus)

Lightning fast read meant to make you think… 10 Mistakes People Make with Islam (plus 1 bonus): 1. Don’t understand Islam’s past. 2. Misinterpret (cloud via ignorance, naivete) Islam’s present. 3. Think Islam is compatible with/equal to Christianity (it is not). 4. Excuse deception/lying to further Islam’s reach. 5. Rationalize Islam’s cruel treatment of women. […]