How Do We Reconcile The Gospel Resurrection Accounts? (Follow Up)

To listen on YouTube, CLICK HERE. QUESTION: HOW DO WE RECONCILE THE GOSPEL RESURRECTION ACCOUNTS? (FOLLOW UP) Pastor Mike here. This is a follow up to a recent video where I answered the Bible question: How do we reconcile the Gospel resurrection accounts? I want to read from an article to supplement it entitled: Do the […]

How Do We Reconcile The Gospel Resurrection Accounts?

To listen on YouTube, CLICK HERE. QUESTION: HOW DO WE RECONCILE THE GOSPEL RESURRECTION ACCOUNTS? Pastor Mike here. I’m answering questions about the Bible. The question today is: How do we reconcile the Gospel resurrection accounts? HOW MANY WOMEN? I mean, when it comes to how many women came to Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday: Mark […]

Jesus Saves

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal…Posted by A Heart For God Ministries on Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Gospel And The End Of The World

"And this gospel of the kingdom (Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life) will be proclaimed…Posted by A Heart For God Ministries on Thursday, January 21, 2021

2 Problems With Churches That Use Contemporary Movies As Their Focus During The Worship Service

2 Problems With Churches That Use Contemporary Movies As Their Focus During The Worship Service – Part 1 (Audio) 2 Problems With Churches That Use Contemporary Movies As Their Focus During The Worship Service – Part 2 (Audio) WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THE CHURCHES THAT USE MOVIES AS THEIR FOCUS DURING THE WORSHIP SERVICE? […]

On The Gospel By The Great 16th Century Reformer Martin Luther

The Gospel is not “Do.” The Gospel is “Done.”

Preach The Gospel, At All Times If Necessary. Use Words!

Tim Tebow Makes Surprise Visit To Maximum Security Prison, Shares Gospel With Inmates

Your testimony is not about the great things you’ve done for God. Your testimony is about the great things Christ has done for you.