He Knows Your Name

My wife and I decided to start a family. That’s when God spoke to her (Kim), “Your child will be a warrior.” (Yeah, God speaks to people – especially my wife.) And so we went about our merry way living our lives day to day. Over the course of time we were considering names. I […]

Marks of a Defective Faith – Part 2

I’m continuing a discussion of faith in this second of a two-part blog post series. (To read Part 1: click here.) I’ll be highlighting three final marks of a defective faith from three parables of Christ. To be defective means there’s a flaw with whatever it is you’re talking about. Right? I remember I drove […]

Tworship Heat Map

That’s me in Sonora towards Yosemite (technically up the hill in Mono Vista) 🙂 (click to enlarge)

5 Blogging, 5 Twitter and 5 Facebook Tips (for believers)

BLOGGING 1. What’s your passion? (Marriage/family, end times/prophecy, Christian living, etc) That’s what you need to write about. Sprinkle in your own life stories highlighting what God’s done. 2. If you wait for perfection, you will never publish. (Nobody’s perfect.) 3. Recycle blog posts via other technologies. Turn it into a video blog, too? Or […]

Held in His Arms

My kids are almost all grown now. I remember when I used to hold them in my arms (back in the day). I would carry them around (dads, isn’t it true?) and wherever it might be. As they got bigger (and heavier), it would hurt my back. 😉 I would hold my kids in my […]

I Was in the Room When She Died

The voice on the phone said, “She’s dying.” I was out the door. The family was there. We had been through this before. There were tears. There were prayers. There were hugs, smiles at memories. The room got quiet. The breaths became less and less. (Was she still even breathing?) The doctor was clear, “Anytime […]

Chewed Up and Spit Out (A Rant)

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend. Of course, what do I know? My sphere of influence and group of contacts is very small. I know that. And I also know it’s so easy to make overall generalizations that may or may not true. Nevertheless, I think there’s something here. The disturbing trend I’m referring to is […]

Just One Sin

It won’t matter. It won’t hurt. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, it’s just a drop in the bucket. Sure it is. No one’s gonna know. How could they? Who’s gonna tell them? If I look at that magazine. If I watch that show. If I buy that item. If I see that […]

Great is Thy Faithfulness

The brakes were gone. How could this be? She’d just finished a 1,500-foot mountain grade descent. The “she” was my 19-year old daughter. And I am writing this today to glorify God and recognize His great faithfulness to us and in our lives. It was a little after five o’clock (approximately the time of the […]

Last Man Standing (A Declaration)

I’m gonna be there. I’m not gonna miss it. I’m talking about meeting Jesus and hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Close your eyes and picture it in your mind.) I will do whatever it takes. I will be filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to be filled. (Ephesians 5:18) I will lay […]