Love Stories and Soul Mates

Wedding CoupleLOVE STORIES

Most love stories don’t work out like the ones in the movie.

They work out better!

And I’ve written about divine appointments before.

And that’s really what love stories are.

They are divine appointments from the Matchmaker and Author of love.

And probably the hardest thing about this whole love story thing is to wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

For some of us, we don’t wait and we “fall in love” with the wrong person.

And another wrong person.

And another wrong person.

And another wrong person.

And we become a shadow of ourselves.

(But the good news is God can forgive and restore and make us whole again and release us from the past!)


And I can remember the day when I began to discover who would become my own soul mate.

The person God had for me (and I for her) I was blinded to initially (isn’t that crazy?).

Like when she came to the door one day asking for someone else in the house and I answered and just ran right by.

And then I was praying one day and asking the Lord if it was His will for me to marry someone who had the same love for Him that I did.

And then I went through my mind thinking about all the girls in the Bible school I attended.

I thought about those in my class first.

No one there.

And then I went through in my mind thinking about the other class.

No one there either.

(The one I would eventually marry was in this other class by the way, but God had “hidden” her from my eyes.)

And then one day I noticed her (God opened my eyes!).

And one of her best (guy) friends told me to call her and ask her out.

And so I mustered up every last ounce of courage I could and dialed the number.

And her answer was she needed to pray about it (good answer).

And after she prayed she said, “No” (bad answer).

(Of course, that’s a blow to a guy’s ego, but guy’s egos need to be whittled down. Amen?)

And then I was in church praying with my eyes closed that she would come and sit next to me after the choir was through singing (she was in the choir).

And then after the song was over she came down from the choir loft and I was afraid to open my eyes to see who it was that had taken the seat next to me and be disappointed (there were about a thousand people in my congregation by the way).

But when I did open my eyes it was her!

And we would be married the next summer!

And I guess what I’m trying to say with all this and as Valentine’s Day is just around the corner (I proposed to my wife on Valentine’s Day going on 28 years ago now by the way):

Could the one you’re supposed to be with (your own soul mate) be right in front of your nose?

God, open his or her eyes!

In Jesus’ name.


(Wedding Couple picture above is in the public domain: click here.)

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.