10 Mistakes People Make with Grief (plus 1 bonus)

Grieving Family at Grave SiteLightning fast read meant to make you think…

10 Mistakes People Make with Grief (plus 1 bonus):

1. Are too proud to admit they are grieving (after all, we’re supposed to buck up, aren’t we?).

2. Forget that grief can be healed (it takes time). (Psalm 30:11; Matthew 5:4)

3. Overlook the process of grief (denial, anger, questioning, acceptance).

4. Continue grieving well past what is considered to be the natural period of time. (Genesis 50:3-4)

5. Don’t seek help with their grieving (a support group). (James 5:16)

6. Use grief as an opportunity to manipulate the sympathies of others (e.g. gofundme / do-it-yourself fundraising campaign).

7. Forget that grief is a human response to loss of some kind (loss of a job, a marriage through divorce, the place you live via a move, your health, a loved one through death, etc).

8. Get angry with the grieving. (Job 2:9)

9. Turn to unhealthy (even destructive) habits to deal with grief (alcohol, drugs).

10. Overlook that keeping yourself healthy (physically and spiritually) is a great help to dealing with and overcoming grief. (Psalm 31:9)

BONUS Forget that the best way to help the grief-stricken is to offer a listening ear and shoulder to cry on.

(This is a re-blog courtesy of Blog Boy.)

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Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.