“Monster” and the Theory of Evolution

Editorial cartoon depicting Charles Darwin as an ape (1871)“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)



It’s the name of the best-selling Christian fiction author, Frank Peretti’s, book that I read many years ago.

You talk about a page-turner.

This was it.

And without giving the story away, the main issue Peretti dealt with in “Monster” was the theory of evolution.

And let me just put the theory in as simple of terms as I can.

According to evolution, dolphins somehow eventually became cows and apes somehow eventually became men, etc., etc.


But where is the evidence for a transitional species?

Like where is the dolphin/cow and the ape/human?

And since the dolphin is on its way to becoming a cow, then there must be in between the two, a 90% dolphin/10% cow.

And then there must also be next in line an 80% dolphin/20 % cow.

And then there must also be next in line after that a 70% dolphin/30% cow.

And so on and so forth until the dolphin part no longer exists and in its place is only 100% pure beef!

Are you following me?

Again, where is the evidence for a transitional species?

Have you ever seen one?

You would think – and there should have been if evolution were true! – multitudes of transitional species all around us.

Have you ever seen a 43.6% ape/56.4% man? (Your husband doesn’t count!)


And Peretti does well in “Monster” to develop this whole issue in his own familiar, fantastic way.

Especially the fact that mutations can’t possibly work.

What if man began to try and fill in the gap that supposedly only millions of years of evolution could produce?

What kind of “creature” might we create?

A monster?

Thus, you have Peretti’s title.


In closing, the so-called “missing link” is still missing.

There’s no evidence of a transitional species anywhere.

And even if we tried to create a dolphin/cow, we’d just mess things up.

It’s the huge hole in the theory of evolution that evolutionists don’t want you to know let alone talk about.

(Editorial cartoon depicting Charles Darwin as an ape (1871) picture file above is in the public domain: click here.)

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.