7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls of Wrath (The “Waterfall” Outline of the Book of Revelation)

Great Day of God's WrathOne good way to get your mind around the New Testament Book of Revelation is to understand the relationship between the 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowls of wrath.

First of all, “7” is the number of completion, perfection. And so what we have in the 7 seals, trumpets and bowls (imho) is the completion of the age-long judgments against a world that refuses God and the removal of the evil that has it bound. (The Dispensational / Futurist method of interpreting Revelation would have all these happening after the Rapture. I propose that only God’s wrath does.)

Which brings us to what I have come to refer to as the “waterfall” outline of the Book of Revelation (see below). It starts out with the 7 seals.

And then I want you to notice the 7th seal which equals the 7 trumpets. Another way of putting it: The 7 trumpets are contained within the 7th seal.

Lastly, there is the 7th trumpet (which is just such a moment in the history of mankind). Of course, the 7th trumpet is the “last trump” of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. It is at the 7th trumpet that the rapture of the Church takes place. And just as the 7th seal contained the 7 trumpets, among other things the 7th trumpet is equal to / contained within it are the 7 bowls of wrath, too.

(Note: The 3 “woes” equal the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets. respectively. The “trumpets” encompass and give an overview of the release of the demonic in judgment upon wicked men. Could it be Satan himself who is the 3rd woe? I think so.)

I hope this “waterfall” outline is helpful to you in your understanding of the Book of Revelation…

7 Seals, 7 Trumpets and 7 Bowls of Wrath (The “Waterfall” Outline of the Book of Revelation):

7 SEALS (title deed of planet; Revelation 5:1; 6:1)

1st seal: Christ / Antichrist or Gospel being preached?
2nd seal: War
3rd seal: Famine
4th seal: Death and Hades
5th seal: Martyrs
6th seal: Earthquake

      7TH SEAL=7 TRUMPETS (Revelation 8:1-2)

      1st trumpet: Hail and fire
      2nd trumpet: Great mountain
      3rd trumpet: Wormwood
      4th trumpet: Darkness
      5th trumpet: Demon Locusts (1st woe)
      6th trumpet: Demon Horseman (2nd woe)

           7TH TRUMPET=7 BOWLS=3RD WOE (Revelation 15:1; 3rd woe: Dragon; Rapture takes place)

           1st bowl: Malignant sore
           2nd bowl: Sea becomes blood
           3rd bowl: Rivers, springs blood
           4th bowl: Scorching heat from sun
           5th bowl: Darkness
           6th bowl: Armageddon
           7th bowl: Earthquake

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.