5 Blogging, 5 Twitter and 5 Facebook Tips (for believers)


1. What’s your passion? (Marriage/family, end times/prophecy, Christian living, etc) That’s what you need to write about. Sprinkle in your own life stories highlighting what God’s done.

2. If you wait for perfection, you will never publish. (Nobody’s perfect.)

3. Recycle blog posts via other technologies. Turn it into a video blog, too? Or slideshow? ( See slideshare.net) Or podcast?

4. Write as you talk. Pretend you’re having a conversation with a friend. (Subscribe to the A Heart For God blog for examples: click here. Thanks for subscribing.)

5. Pray for Jesus to energize you. ~from 11 Tips About Blogging (plus one bonus)


1. See tweeting as a fulfillment of prophecy. (I do!) “‘This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.'” (Matthew 24:14)

2. Don’t miss the power of Twitter lists. There is an intimacy to them where you can spend time with a smaller group listening and learning. ~from 21 “More” Twitter Tips from @aheartforgod

3. So what if your Twitter stream is overwhelmed with Bible verses (use Biblegateway.com to post your own) and expressions of praise during #Tworship services, etc (9 pm Eastern Time USA, weeknights). After all, the world hammers us with their hashtags.

4. A plan to help you gain thousands of Twitter followers based on the acronym “T-W-E-E-T”: T-ools, W-rite, E-ngage, E-ncourage, T-ime. ~from My Twitter Speech-Part 2 (140 Characters Conference ~ Twain Harte). (For: 5 tips to help you gain 50,000 followers on Twitter, click here.)

5. There are people out there (in the Twitter sphere) you will never know (until the next life?) that are hanging by a thread. With your every tweet give them hope.


1. Facebook is the latest whipping boy in some churches. (It is the past revival that persecutes the present.) Don’t be stupid. Use it for God’s glory.

2. Where does the Millennial generation (“Y”) go when they have spiritual questions? The internet. Pose those questions yourself as status updates (Is there a God?, Why do good people suffer?, Is there a purpose to my life?, etc) and give answers, too. (You’d be surprised who’s listening.) Respond to comments.

3. It is a marathon to gain an audience on Facebook (versus other social media platforms) and not a sprint. Pace yourself. (“Facebook is like playing football in the sand.” ~A famous person once said)

4. To gain “Likes” on your Facebook page, offer an incentive (free eBook download; exclusive content via fan-only gate; prize raffle for the 1st so many “likes”, etc). (To read about my surprise drawing, click here.)

5. Online relationships will never replace offline ones. (They were never meant to.) But there are real people with real needs on Facebook, too. Be a friend. Add value, interact, appreciate, pray for. Be led by the Spirit.

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About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. This is an awesome list. So many people shy away from being Matt 5:16 out loud, but there is no need to shy away from that. Thank you for the encouragement to do so, the encouragement to keep our relationship with the Lord front and center and reminding us to keep our friends and family close by too.

    big {HUGS} Pastor Mike


  2. We serve a very techno savvy God and so we need to keep up with His pace. Thanks for your encouraging words!
    Be Blessed.