Where is God When Disaster Strikes?

JapanThe Tsunami warning center has revised upward the great Japan earthquake of 2011 to 9.1 magnitude. (The U.S. Geological Survey still has it at 8.9.)

It is the largest ever recorded quake to hit the area, tied for 3rd largest in history (Chile-9.5, Alaska-9.2, Sumatra-9.1, Japan-9.1, Russia-9.0).

The tsunami waves recorded on video that hit Japan are breathtaking to watch (click here) and have added to the devastation.

(And now the Fukushima nuclear power plant has exploded adding even more insult to injury!)

When disaster strikes we inevitably ask many questions including, “Where is God?”

The answer: He’s in the same place He’s always been.

He’s right here with us in the midst of our disaster. (Matthew 1:23)

He’s right here to afford comfort.

He’s right here to provide peace.

He’s right here to bring healing.

He’s right here to help pick up the pieces.

Most of all and most importantly, He’s right here to afford forgiveness of sins through belief in Christ crucified and risen again on the third day. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

It was a disaster when Martha and Mary’s brother died.

But Jesus came.

And first He cried with the two sisters. (John 11:33-35)

And then He went and brought their dear Lazarus back from the dead. (John 11:43-44) (It’s a picture of how Jesus raises us from being dead in trespasses and sins when we were completely helpless to do anything.) (Ephesians 2:1-5)

The very Christ of heaven will arise in our moment of despair (and contrition!) to bring life out of death, too, as we call out to Him – both now and for all eternity.



About Pastor Mike

Pastor Mike is making the most of web technologies to encourage disciples. A self-proclaimed “twitterholic,” one twitter follower describes him as the “jogging, blogging, tweeting Pastor.” Visits to Pastor Mike’s blog (A Heart For God) number in the hundreds of thousands. His video blogs have been viewed over a half a million times.


  1. The question is not “where was God” but “where is the man”. God does not remove from us but we remove from God !

  2. I’ve been wanting to thank you for all your encouragement through the Word. God will meet us in our despair; He always has and He always will. If we call upon His name He will answer.